Frozen Bird      

This article needs just a tad of an introduction.

Being a man of certain age, I Am Official Old,I have some minor problems with arthritis, fortunately they are still not a daily preoccupation. The major culprits are my ankles, my knees, my left shoulder that was injured in a car accident, and my hands, principally my left hand.  I broke the ring finger and the finger next to it on that hand many moons ago in a fight. Plus I wonder since that is the hand that grips the golf club most firmly, if all those years of taking divots has had an effect on it.  Sometimes when I have been using that hand a great deal, the fingers and thumb will freeze into place, which ones varies.  I do not believe it is up to the level of dystonia, but it certainly is problematic, painfully so at times.

This is an election year with November 5th fast approaching.  One house in our neighborhood has been flying a Trump flag for some time now.  This morning, coming back from the dentist, I noticed that more Trump standards have appeared.

I almost always flip these flags and yard signs off, giving them the bird, the middle finger, the one finger salute.  I’ve been doing it for a while with the first house as he has been flying that POS banner for the last three months or so. Although I am driving with only a small likelihood that anyone will see me perform my ritual, I discharge this obligatory action with much emotion, attempting to extend my middle digit as far and as straight as is humanly possible. The last few times I have done so, my fingers have frozen up, leaving my middle digit as the lonely extended digit.

What is it the say if you take Viagra and the effects last more than four hours…

A shout out to The Sage of North Barrington who made a comment in passing that his hand was sore from performing the same action there north of Chi-town. His comment is what inspired me to drag you into a discussion of my aches and pains.

And now to lighten up the mood after an old man talking about his aches and pains, a song from my youth.

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2 Replies to “Frozen Bird      ”

  1. Love that song. Takes me right into the movie Full Metal Jacket.
    I have a new way of dealing with political signs for the fascists. When I see an offending sign, I imagine applying a giant, sticky-backed swastika (or 2 or 3) to the sign. I say out loud, “swastika” like Oprah would say ‘you get a car”. Actually makes me feel better.

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