Effingham Trump’s Island

I have this on going fantasy.  Unfortunately, the technology is not available so I will need alien intervention.  When I say alien, what I really mean is extra-terrestrial beings with advanced technology.

My fantasy is this.  I want to locate an island somewhere of reasonable size that will remain a reasonable size despite global warming.  I want it to be in a part of the world where the temperatures are somewhat temperate, neither excessive cold or excessively hot.  The island will have an abundant supply of fresh water.

Around this island I want to create a force field that will allow the elements, animals, etc. in and out.  This force field will not be passable by human beings, except to deposit certain individuals.  There will be no communication between the individuals on this island and the outside world.  The one exception being hand gestures as I would want cameras all over the island.  These cameras would be connected to the Internet so the world could observe.

Once on the island these individuals will be deprived of all clothes.  For food MREs (military Meals Ready to Eat) would be provided daily.  If there was misbehavior, or attempts to make clothes out of anything the MREs would be withheld for the group.   Of course, since we do not want to be inhumane, any necessary medicines would be provided.

As you may have guessed by now, I have a list of individuals I would like to place on the island.  With the help of the extra-terrestrials these individuals would be spirited away to the island without violence.  There would be no possibility of return.

Of my initial list would start off with Effingham Trump, closely followed by Putin.  Since I am American most of my choices would be so. After these would be Pence, Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan.  In all likelihood most of Effingham Trump’s cabinet would also go.  Anyone willing to work for this monster does not deserve to walk amongst us.  I would probably send half the US Supreme Court

Next to inhabit my island would be Kim Jong-un of North Korea, then Bashar al-Assad of Syria, then Recep Tayyip Erdo?an of Turkey, and then Rodrigo Duterte of the Phillipines.  I am sure there are quite a few other political types that need to go, but these are the worse actors that come to mind quickly.

I would also populate this island with some of the worst corporate thugs out there.  I am beginning to think I might need a couple islands.

So… if there are any aliens out there reading my blog…call me.




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