Drunk Santa?

Probably no one but me has made this connection…. Careful, despite my firewall, virus protection program and aluminum foil hat I can still hear you whispering over my wireless connection, “Yes, it is just you.”

They claim as you get older the connection between your brain’s synapses get a little, we are going to go with freer.  The neural network becomes less rigid, more alternative paths are opened up. This can have many negative aspects, but it can also allow seniors to be more creative at times.  They see connections between things that might not have occurred to them when they were younger.  So hush you nattering nabobs.

One Christmas decoration that has become very common in the area of the country that I frequent are blow up figurines, inflatable yard art, if you will.  These take many forms, Santa Clauses, reindeer, elves, snowmen, various characters from movies, sleds full of toys, etc.  If someone can dream it up some company has made a product of it.  The inflation occurs via a small motor constantly pumping air into the plastic model.  It also generally includes lights of various styles to accentuate the display.

Commonly folks just turn on the motor and lights at night.  This results in piles of colored plastic populating their yards during the day.  While these displays are impressive at night, the daytime presentation borders on tacky, IMHO.

The neighbors across the way have two such decorations and one of them is a Santa Claus.  As Santa now lies in their front yard in all his deflated, crumpled glory, he looks like to me a man who had imbibed so much that he could not even make it to the front door… let alone down the chimney.  He snores there in the front yard, trying to sleep off five too many eggnogs.  Meanwhile Mrs. Claus is in the house too chagrined to even help her wayward toy maker inside, thinking all while that the head elf is looking better and better, wondering did he really wink at me last time Santa had too much…

And thus The Troubles started at the Claus household…

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