Crowds, Well Maybe…

Fire hydrant on The Hill

Saturday night, Señora and  I went to a party at a friend’s house who lives in The Hill district of St. Louis. This friend shares the same first name with Señora which occasionally gets confusing.  We socialize with another couple and the man shares a first name with me.  People tend to say Cathy’s David or Robin’s David.  Just to set the picture a little clearer, all of the folks at this party were retired, and if not they were getting close.  If you had been in your late 50s you would have been a youngster there.

If you are not familiar with St. Louis you might not know about The Hill.  In less politically correct times Continue reading “Crowds, Well Maybe…”

Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #9,989

yeah I know you did not ask!

I was reading a post on Nextdoor that was a bit of a rant, and from the poster’s comments it sounded like they lived in an apartment complex a mile or so from our house.  It is a nice complex. I checked it out first time I lived here, but decided that was more money than I wanted to give someone in a rent check every month.  It does seem to stay full though.

Apparently, the poster has a new neighbor, a new neighbor with a Great Dane. Apparently when this new neighbor walks this Great Dane, they do not pick up after their giant of a dog, effectively leaving massive poop bombs all over the place.

And living in an apartment with a Great Dane…

You just think you have problems.

Hey Lauren Boebert, What about MY church?

Just to get everyone on the same page the First Amendment to the US Constitution reads as follows:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Lauren Boebert, the POS Representative from Colorado’s 3rd District , recently made the following statement:

“The church is supposed to direct the government, the government is not supposed to direct the church.”

“I’m tired of this separation of church and state junk. This is not in the Constitution, it was in a stinking letter and it means nothing like what they say it does…”   

For one of the many articles Continue reading “Hey Lauren Boebert, What about MY church?”

USS Samuel B. Roberts shipwreck found

This is a huge deal for my family.  As readers of my blog may know this is the ship, USS Samuel B. Roberts (DE-413), that my Uncle Paul died on during WW II.  He was the gunnery captain on aft 5 inch gun that blew up after the ship lost power and they were firing and loading manually.  For his bravery in this action he received the Silver Star and for 30 years there was a missile frigate, the USS Paul Henry Carr (FFG-52) floating around the seas on various naval missions. Quite an honor for my uncle and for our family.

Here are some links to the stories on the finding of the shipwreck:

Explorers find USS Samuel B. Roberts shipwreck

World’s deepest shipwreck, the Sammy B, is discovered by explorers

Explorers found the USS Samuel B. Roberts, which sunk 78 years ago holding off an overwhelming Japanese battle group

BBC article: USS Samuel B Roberts: World’s deepest shipwreck discovered

In 2018 my Uncle Paul was inducted into the Oklahoma Military Hall of Fame.  At the time I wrote a blog article about that experience:

Paul H. Carr inducted into the Oklahoma Military Hall of Fame

I am sure there will be more coming out on this discovery as the story just broke a few days ago.

And so it goes.

Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #7,459

yeah I know you did not ask!

I am going to start selling burkas online.  This item of dress is about to become de rigueur in this country.

I read the headline today about the Supreme Court overturning Roe v Wade and I had the same feeling I had seeing the planes crash into the Twin Towers in NYC.  The world has gone absolutely mad and  fanatics are in charge.  I am sick in my stomach and sick in my soul.

IMHO every justice that voted for this should be charged as an accomplice for the death of every woman who dies from a back alley abortion.

I cannot think of time I have been more disgusted by the situation in this country.  The religious zealots, gun nuts and white supremacist have gained control of this country I once loved.

I am absolutely disgusted with the Supreme Court of this country. Between expanding of gun rights, overturning Roe v. Wade and declaring money to be free speech in politics they have sent this country over the cliff. And the saddest part is that they are not “practicing” law but partisan politics.   That is not the function of the Supreme Court.

I going to say it again… please Dear God, save us from the religious.


Si del cielo se caen limones, aprende a hacer limonada.

Or in English, “If lemons fall from the sky, learn how to make lemonade.” Obviously very similar to the common proverbial phrase here in the United States, “when life gives you lemons, make lemonade”, belaboring the point, an expression meant to promote optimism.

One of my iTalki Spanish tutors, Moisés, lives in El Salvador.  He is an interesting gentleman, and our conversations flow easily and cover a wide array of subjects.  He frequently speaks of his father Continue reading “Lemonade”