Sister Lorie’s Tale from the Dark Side

Did you ever wake up and wonder what side of the planet it is? Well, I woke up and wondered what part of the universe I had been magically transported to. I’m a planner. I planned a trip to Oklahoma City. We have been going to this retreat for a few years now. We found a hotel close by the facility. Granted this hotel is not much, but it is clean and cheap.

I made the reservation on one of those on line places. You know the kind where you can see lots of lower rates for hotels… I won’t mention the name here. I found the hotel, made the reservation and like a flash they charged my card.

That same day, the hubby calls to tell me that ‘mail count’ is that same time frame. For those of you who are not familiar with USPS, mail count translates to going in early, working late and no time off except for your own funeral. Oh well, we can’t go, so I call the online company. Continue reading “Sister Lorie’s Tale from the Dark Side”

Word of the Day – Philoprogenitiveness

  • Noun: Philoprogenitiveness
  • Adjective: Philoprogenitive
    1.  tending to produce offspring : prolific
    2. of, relating to, or characterized by love of offspring
  • Synonyms:
    1.   Profilic
    2. Fructuous
    3. Fertile
    4. Fruitful
  • Usage:
    1. Philoprogenitiveness, says we, is strong in semi-rural communities; therefore, and for other reasons, a kidnapping project ought to be better there than in the radius of newspapers that send reporters out in plain clothes to stir up talk about such things.”
  • Encountered:
    1. While reading O. Henry’s short story, The Ransom of Red Chief

To see more Words of the Day, visit this link: Words of the Day

God Bless Costco

Missouri is opening for business May 4th. Whether this is a good idea or not , will be seen.  I am not sure what St. Louis County will do as we have been the worst hit county and city in the state.  I’m unclear if they even have the option of going against what our wonderful Republican governor dictates.

I received an advertising email this morning from Costco.  Maybe they have been sending them out during the quarantine, but this is the first one I remember receiving in a while.  In it they detailed their guidelines Continue reading “God Bless Costco”

Bill Gates, Wuhan, COVID-19

This is how truly nutty the world of conspiracy theories is.

I study Spanish via Skype with several different individuals that live mostly in Central America and northern South America.  I’ve never researched how much business China does in Latin America, but according to these folks Chinese products are huge there, especially technology items. Consequently, due to the business connections of Continue reading “Bill Gates, Wuhan, COVID-19”

2016 – Not the Time To Vote For A 3rd Party Presidential Candidate

There is a pretty good argument to be made that the reason George W. Bush defeated Al Gore in 2000 is due the votes the Ralph Nader garnered.  Undoubtedly most of those votes would have gone for Gore. Also undoubtedly a Gore presidency would have been head and shoulders above the cluster that was the Bush Presidency.  The world and our country would have been in a much better place than what has been left to us by Bush-Cheney disaster.

I understand folk’s disenchantment with both the major parties, Democrats and Republicans.  I do not know if it is still common, but in years past in some states when you registered to vote you had to declare party affiliation.  I usually registered as an independent which in many ways disenfranchised me. Continue reading “2016 – Not the Time To Vote For A 3rd Party Presidential Candidate”

Muslim Modesty

hijabI was driving in downtown St. Louis on my way to work.  On my left, walking on the side walk, was a Muslim woman dressed in a long, white skirt, a colorful long sleeve blouse with a high collar, and a long flowing hijab.  The hijab was the style that is tight around the face like the coif of a nun’s old school habit. After all a Muslim women should be prim and properly attired in public.  Modesty is the goal sought.

She crossed the street in front of my vehicle, Continue reading “Muslim Modesty”

Freeway Love

I left early enough, I thought, to beat the worse of the morning rush hour traffic.  Boy was I wrong. What is a 30 minute drive on the weekend, turned into over an hour.  It was stop and go, go and stop, creep along, and an occasional burst of speed of 30 mph or so.

It was at one of these stalled points that I noticed the couple behind me via the aid of my rearview mirror.  What first got my attention was that they were making out like crazy every time the traffic stopped.  The fellow was tall, wearing a cap, and the sun visor was down so I could not see him clearly.  He struck as a bubba type which did not make sense as he was driving a nearly new Audi SUV.  The gal was blonde with skin that had not seen Continue reading “Freeway Love”