Supreme Court Ethics: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

I truly have never been more discouraged about this country than I have been in the last few years… this Supreme Court definitely plays into that discouragement.

I would hate to see John Oliver give this awful Supreme Court Justice $1,000,000 a year for life, but he certainly does not need to be on the Supreme Court bench.  Of course Clarence Thomas is 75 years old, statistically he will likely be out of here within 8 or 10 years.  However, at the end of the day, John Oliver has made a bet with himself that Clarence Thomas will not accept his offer.

We should have listened to Anita Hill.

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Cold, Dead Corpse…And You Did Not Call Me On It

I was expecting at least one or two people – JMR aka Dictionary Dude – to call me on a turn of phrase in a recent blog posting: Matrimonial Log – Star Date 5784.045

In this posting I used the following words: “…only to find a cold, dead corpse headed toward rigor mortis laying next to you the next morning.”

A corpse by definition is dead, therefore part of the phrase is redundant, if not repetitious.  But on the other hand, if you do a Google search on the word string “cold dead corpse”, it is everywhere you do not want to be. Essentially it is a very common way of expressing this situation. Ahh… language.

Next thing you know, I will be sharing dad jokes.

Just saying.

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Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #1,935

yeah I know you did not ask!

You should so be blessed – well cursed at times actually – with a mind such as mine, making all these weird connections between my rumored neurons. Just be thankful that I do not share all of my random thoughts.

I was just trying to figure out who is more bipolar.  Religious persons bouncing between seeing the hand of God or the work of the Devil everywhere, or investors in the stock market reading the tea leaves of earning reports.

I tend to ignore the first, but the readers of tea leaves are giving me whiplash.  Their ups and downs make Blanche DuBois look tame.

All together now… STELLA!

Just saying.

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Quote of the Day – Epictetus

Quote of the Day… not actually daily, but whenever I encounter one I think worth sharing and there are not too many in sequence.  I like quotes as they frequently distill a piece of wisdom into a brief passage, or make other points very succinctly – such as the witticisms of Oscar Wilde.

“Consider at what price you sell your integrity; but please, for God’s sake, don’t sell it cheap.”~~ Epictetus

To see more Quotes for Day, visit this link: Quotes for the Day

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Word of the Day – Putative

Word of the Day… not actually daily, but whenever I encounter one I think worth sharing and there are not too many on my landing page.  Words have always fascinated me, and I am a fan of all types of word play, especially puns.  I have a hard time not looking up a word that I am unfamiliar with or not sure of the definition. I like those authors that stretch me by throwing in unexpected terms.   

  • Adjective: Putative
    1. commonly regarded as such
    2. assumed to exist or to have existed.
  • Synonyms:
    1.  presumed
    2. presumptive
    3. reputed
    4. supposed
    5. accepted
    6. alleged
    7. assumed
    8. hypothetical
    9. imputed
    10. reported
  • Usage:
    1. “When a former Navy SEAL with ties to a raft of Trumpworld figures landed in Haiti nearly a decade ago, his putative mission was to lead raid and rescue operations that would recover a missing American child.”
  • Encountered:
    1.  While reading an article on my Google news feed from The Daily Beast: How Ex-SEAL on Child Rescue Mission Became Island Kingpin The article caught my attention as I was imagining a modern day Lord Jim, not an article on corruption in Haiti, that is pretty much a given.

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Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #1,022

yeah I know you did not ask!

You should so be blessed – well cursed at times actually – with a mind such as mine, making all these weird connections between my rumored neurons. Just be thankful that I do not share all of my random thoughts.

Here is a thought experiment for you:  I wonder how different the world would be if the original European explorers had carried back to Europe cannabis from Asia instead of tobacco from the New World. Or if both, an early Bob Marley would have invented blunts and spiffs.

I’m thinking the world would be a much more mellow place.

Professor Peabody to your Wayback Machine…

Don’t get too wrapped in the ifs, ands, and buts, it is just a thought experiment. I know there always has been and always will be one group of people willing to take advantage of another group of folks.

But a world grooving to Reggae music is a cool thought.

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Italian Cream Cheese Cake

I could have entitled this article some Betty Sugg stories.

Working for the Government

I worked for the Arkansas Department of Health (ADH) for around six and half years stationed at the local health unit – most folks simply called it the County Health Department – in Crawford County, Arkansas. Crawford County is just across the Arkansas River from Ft. Smith and part of the county shares a border with Oklahoma. I was County Sanitarian, aka Health Inspector, the whole time I was there. Yeah, I inspected restaurants, but the duties of a County Sanitarian are much broader than that.

With the retirement of the other sanitarian, about a year and a half into my stint, I became Administrator of the local health unit. The ADH used a matrix system of management, one supervisor for your professional duties, and a different supervisor for your administrative responsibilities.  Essentially I was the office manager supervising administratively the nursing, clerical, sanitarian staff and other folks who traveled around to the various local health units.

A Co-worker

In an earlier article I made a passing reference to Italian cream cheese cake. This started my musings on a former co-worker, Continue reading “Italian Cream Cheese Cake”

Matrimonial Log – Star Date 5784.045

“Matrimony… the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship Casamiento Segundo, its until-death-do-us-part mission… to explore a strange new relationship… to seek out a new life and new adventures… to boldly go where no sane couple has gone before.”

I, more than likely, over did it a wee bit yesterday.  Besides being tired, my back was barking at me excessively.  Before Señora had left the house for her choir practice at around 1815 hours, I had taken a muscle relaxer. An hour or so later my back was still being less than polite, so I took another Flexeral.

I am chalking it up to a combination of being tried and the medications, but I went to bed earlier than usual, somewhere between 2000 and 2100 hours.  I was asleep when my prodigal wife made her way back to the hacienda.  When she found me asleep in the bed, she awaken me, gently to be sure, but still she woke me up. Indubitably, you will understand why I found this a wee bit irritating. I don’t remember how I responded, but in my best Clark Kent manner, I am sure.  I then rolled over and went back to sleep.

As this was not the first time, she has waken me in these circumstances, this morning I started ruminating as to why.  Generally, when I find her asleep, I simply back out of the room so as to not disturb her.  Or if it is late, slip into the bed as lightly as I can.

Then it dawned on me her reason, so I went searching for her, finding her on the couch,  I explained to her that I did not quite understand why she woke me up.  I then asked if she had some trepidation that I might be dead in the bed. She confessed that it was.  I suppose it would be minorly horrible to go to bed, only to find a cold, dead corpse headed toward rigor mortis laying next to you the following morning.  But sometimes a gal just needs her beauty sleep.

And that is how it goes sometimes in La casa de los viejos.

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Quote of the Day – Michael Haley

Quote of the Day… not actually daily, but whenever I encounter one I think worth sharing and there are not too many in sequence.  I like quotes as they frequently distill a piece of wisdom into a brief passage, or make other points very succinctly – such as the witticisms of Oscar Wilde.

“The difference between humans and animals? Animals would never allow the dumbest ones to lead the pack.” ~~Michael Haley

He was responding on X (formerly Twitter) with a photo of a wolf and this quote to denigrating remarks about his wife, Nikki Haley, and him made by tRump on that platform.

To see more Quotes for Day, visit this link: Quotes for the Day

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Quote of the Day – Immanuel Kant

“Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law.” ~~Immanuel Kant

Obviously a high brow way of stating the Golden Rule, a concept that seems to permeate philosophical and religious thought.  To see a listing of how this idea has been stated in many of the world religions follow this link: The Universality of the Golden Rule in the World Religions

To see more Quotes for Day, visit this link: Quotes for the Day

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