An Overwhelming Number of Introvert Jokes

These are not original with me (duh), I stole them from a website called Bored Panda

Should I be concerned?  Many of these  I could related to at a very visceral level. Which ones? Well I tend to overshare on this site at times, so I will leave it to your imagination.


You never fully realize how anti-social you are until a pandemic strikes and your life does not really change that much.

Why does everyone force introverts to be talkative and leave their comfort zone, but no one forces the extroverts to shut up, even for a minute, to make the zone comfortable?

How many introverts does it take to screw in a light bulb?
What’s wrong with just sitting in the dark?

How do you make an introvert happy?

I always regret the plans I made when I was in a 5 minute extroverted mood.

Life is a constant balancing act between wondering why you weren’t invited to something and wondering how to get out of it.

My first instinct when I see animal is to say “Hello.”
My first instinct when I see person is to avoid eye contact and hope it goes away.

Sorry I missed your call… I was staring in horror at the screen wondering why on earth you couldn’t just text me.

How introverts make friends?
Extroverts find them, like them and adopt them.

Anti-stalking – learning someone’s routine so you can avoid them.

I have an Introvert Hangover. I’m totally exhausted, from too much human interaction.

If the second I text you back, you call me because you know I’m holding my phone, I will call the police.

Sometimes you just need to lie on the couch and read for a couple of years.

Being an introvert allows me to care about humanity and despise human beings, simultaneously.

Nightmare of introvert: Wait for the right time to say something. Get interrupted.

Crap. I have to be somewhere in 6 hours. Time to start psyching myself up.

I need more friends who understand that I still want to be invited but I’m not going.

99% of me “getting ready” is just me sitting on the floor trying to figure out if I actually want to go out or not.

What do introverts and Loki have in common?
They would both fake their own death to avoid social events.

Two introverts walk into a room.
One leaves.

How many introverts does it take to change a light bulb?
Why does it have to be a group activity?

Attention! I’m such an introvert that if I ever have to draw attention I draw it on paper.

The worst feeling for introvert is when you’re choking, but have to hold it in because 2 coughs had already drawn too much attention.

Said something awkward. Dwell on it all day.

Introvert planning a party: “Please, leave by 9p.m.”

“There are pros and cons with working here. Like we arrange lots of fun activities for the employees.”
Introvert: “Right, and pros?”

Being an introvert is basically liking your friends but wanting them to leave at the same time.

People who say “Go big or go home” seriously underestimate my willingness to go home.

Why did an introvert become an astronaut?
He needed his space.

The problem with introverts is that they’d prefer to have an imaginary chat with a person instead of speaking with them in reality. So, there’s no need to talk in reality anymore because they’ve already had a chat.

How to spot an introvert in a crowd?
Please don’t.

What did one introvert say to the other introvert?
Absolutely nothing and they quickly parted ways.

Friends: How are you doing so well in quarantine?
Me: The secret ingredient is Introvert.

Happiness is successfully closing the elevator door before anyone else can get in.

What introvert say when he is run out of believable excuses to cancel plans?
“Oh my God, I have to fake my death.”

If you want to talk to me on the phone, I’ll need at least three days notice.

One time I talked to someone for twenty minutes so now I know how exhausted someone feels after running a marathon.

You know you are an introvert when all you really want in life is to have the house to yourself for a few hours.

If there really were an Introvert Club, would we even hold any meetings or would we all just mutually agree to say we’re going to go, then cancel at the last minute?

Introverts when someone messes up their order at a restaurant: “Incorrect, but thank you!”

That feeling when you’re smart enough to know how awkward you are, but not smart enough to know how not to be awkward.

he fact that I have more clothes to sleep in than I do to go out in says a lot about who I am as a person.

Every room is an escape room when you’re an introvert.

I’m writing a book about introverts.
It’s not coming out any time soon.

Please don’t start talking to me just because we’re sitting next to each other.

If you need me I will be trapped inside my head.

Sometimes I just agree with people so they can stop talking.

Next time a stranger talks to you when you’re alone just look at them shocked and whisper “You can see me?” I’m going to try this one!

How many introverts does it take to screw in a light bulb?
Actually it is battery operated and already screwed in, it just needs time alone to recharge.

“Sorry, I’m late. Nothing happened; I just really didn’t want to come

If you need me, you can call me. But I didn’t say I will answer.

Sorry, can’t talk. I talked to two people yesterday.

As an introvert, most of the conversations I’ve ever had are imaginary.

If wanting to be alone makes you an introvert, and wanting to be with people makes you an extrovert, wanting to be with cats must make you a purrvert.

Gets unexpected calls. Doesn’t pick up because not mentally prepared.

Why is the Olympic flame such an introvert?
It never goes out.

How to make an introvert go crazy?
Put them in a room with really friendly strangers.

I wish my neighbors weren’t so friendly.

I’ll only go if I can leave whenever I want to.

The fastest things on ear: cheetah, airplane, speed of light, introverts giving a presentation.

Does anyone actually know what you should do when people are singing Happy Birthday to you?

How many introverts does it take to screw in a light bulb?
Nobody knows, they wait until you’re gone.

It was cool being an introvert till the government started telling everybody to do it. Now I wanna go outside.

As an introvert, I love my wife. *wifi.

Why did the introvert cross the road?
Leave me alone!

So an introvert throws a party for introverts.
Needless to say there was a shortage of corners in the house.

You think you are introverted?
Wait until you never meet me.

How many introverts does it take to change a light bulb?

I’d rather be hanging out with my cat right now.

Introverts club has been cancelled due to lack of attendance.

My favorite party trick is not going.

I came, I saw, I left early.

Telling an introvert to go to a party is like telling a saint to go to Hell.

I saw people through the window today. That’s enough social interaction.

As an introvert, the best birthday present is people not knowing it’s my birthday.

Not sure if I’m awkward because of situation or situation is awkward because of me.

“Don’t ‘Call Me Maybe;’ Call Me Never.”

I’m a social vegan. I avoid meet.

In a conference I asked the crowd: “All the introverts raise the hand.”
Nobody raised their hand.

I was going to tell you a joke about introverts, but you wouldn’t get it.
It’s an inside joke.

Avoiding crowds and canceling plans are superpowers of introverts.

An introvert walks into a bar.
Bartender:  What’ll it be, buddy?
Introvert: Pitcher of beer. To go.

How did the introverted teenager introduce himself to his crush?
He didn’t.

Extrovert: Dances like nobody is watching.
Introvert: Leaves the party like nobody is watching.

I chill harder than you party.

When your friends invite you to go out with them, you know you ain’t going, but you act interested anyway.

I know someone who’s an introvert and he ALMOST broke a world record.
He was just shy.

Have you met Post Malone’s introvert brother?
Leave M’Alone.

What do you call an introverted teenager?
A quaranteen.

The First Rule of Introvert Club is Don’t speak.

How much does the average introvert weigh?
Not enough to break the ice. I’m in a band called The Introverted Pessimists.

You’ve probably never heard of us, but that’s fine.

How do you know when an introvert is going to kill themselves?
They start talking to people.

“Maybe if I hurry I can make it from the bathroom to my bedroom before my roommates see me.”

I talk to the same 3 people every day. If someone says they know me, they’re lying.

How nightmares of introverts look like?
“Look who decided to come out of their room!”

Home is where the introvert is.

You know things are serious when the introverts arrive.

So an introvert goes into a bank and decides they need some money. Hesitantly, they walk to the counter. After the teller greets them they immediately respond with, “Hi, can you leave me a loan?”

I know an introverted entrepreneur in the coal industry.
He mined his own business.

If half the population really are introverts…why haven’t I met any?

Why did the introvert polish his shoes regularly?
So he could look at others’ faces.

I was named Chief Speaker at the Society of Introverts.
Thank God no one showed up.

Introverts would love to have friends but they have a problem.

What was the first thing the introvert did when he was shipwrecked on a desert island?
He started writing his thank-you note to the shipping line.

Pretending to be boring so they can leave you alone.

What is the worst song for introverts?
John Lennon – “Imagine.”

“You are lucky, because I answered the phone.”

Research done on introverts.
Revealed nothing.

I went outside once ONCE.

What do you call an extremely insecure extrovert?
An introvert.

How do you tell if someone’s an introvert?
Don’t worry, they’ll tell you.

At least the party is less scary because it’s close to my apartment.

Why aren’t there any introverted terrorists?
They have a hard time sharing what’s inside with strangers.

What did the introvert say when his girlfriend took his hand and asked him to cuddle on the couch?
“Why must it be a group activity?”

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