A Billboard – Somewhere in Georgia

First of all, the shear hubris of this billboard is more than I can fathom.  Then the divisiveness promoted by this sign, surely placed by a religious organization or person, is the exact opposite of what religion should be doing.  Historically, however, Christianity has not be an inclusive religion, except by force, nor has it been an agent for tolerance and acceptance of people who believe or think differently than themselves.  IMHO, this attitude continues today in many branches of Christianity.

On the other hand, I have been and am certainly demonizing MAGA Republicans.  For me, they are espousing the worst side of humanity.  Why so many Christians, especially Evangelical Christians, are so adamantly onboard with the MAGA crowd is mystifying.

That persons like tRump, Putin, Maduro, Kim Jung-un, Netanyahu and many more of that ilk are in positions of power is proof that a god does not exist — at least the god as detailed in the various religious texts, or if he does exist, he certainly does not love humanity.

Oh well.

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One Reply to “A Billboard – Somewhere in Georgia”

  1. A fundamental problem with people of the Book, any book, is that they all have a duty to spread the word about their one true way. Of course the inevitable conflice arises when they run into the people with another one true way. The unfortunate result is the different sides refuse to allow neutrals to pass peacefully.

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