Your Curmudgeon story, please

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I can’t find a way to send a suggestion, so I’ll post here, since it seems to have the floor at the moment. (Teach me the right way!)

You are not legitimately a Curmudgeon until someone calls you one. You can’t (won’t) assume that title by yourself. We all know this.

But how about a topic where we tell the others who did the deed to each of us and under what circumstances?

Sounds like a wonderful topic for discussion.  Does anyone out there care to share their story of how they came to have the appellation of Curmudgeon?? Just add your story as a comment to this post.   

I’m not sure I agree with your statement that you are not a Curmudgeon until someone calls you one.  I think many Curmudgeons are sufficiently self-aware to know of how they relate to the world and how the world relates to them.  They may not always use the word curmudgeon, but I am willing to venture they use similar words if they are self describing.  While Curmudgeons are generally thought of as male, I see no reason why a female cannot be considered curmudgeonly in this society.

Of course whenever anyone says, “We all know this”,  alarm bells go off in my head.   But I do see your point about not self identifying.  In my case, though, at least two folks have laid that label on me. 

I have a brother who was termed a Curmudgeon in a very interesting way.  I won’t relate the story now so as to not take the wind from his sails if he cares to share the story.  Anyway, he handed me a copy of   The Portable Curmudgeon one day and informed me we were kindred spirits.  

Among the many endearing names my ex had for me was Curmudgeon.  The situation does not bear telling as it the same old tired story of marital “bliss” most of us know so well.

As an aside about posting.  So far I have limited original postings to just a few.  I welcome comments/suggestions from about anyone as long as they are not abusive or excessively offensive.   I really do not care if you agree or disagree; it is the discussion I enjoy.

One Reply to “Your Curmudgeon story, please”

  1. I am the brother who handed him a copy of The Portable Curmudgeon. It was first given to me by my psychologist who thought I would appreciate it. She did not label me one, but a copy of the book would seem to suggest she thought it.

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