Word of the Day -Temerity

  • Noun: Temerity

    1. unreasonable or foolhardy contempt of danger or opposition : rashness, recklessness
    2. a rash or reckless act
  • Synonyms:
    1. audaciousness
    2. audacity
    3. brashness
    4. brazenness
    5. cheek
    6. chutzpah (also chutzpa or hutzpah or hutzpa)
    7. effrontery
    8. gall
    9. nerve
    10. presumptuousness
    11. sauciness
  • Usage:
    1. “You certainly have a high degree of temerity snoring like that. I was surprised a bear did not think it was a mating call.”
  • Encountered:
    1. While backpacking in the Ozark National Forest with my brother, Dictionary Dude,  I remarked on our rising that he was putting us both in danger with his snoring… tee hee hee.  Then being brothers we begin to argue over the definition of the word.  His snoring probably worked the other way, scaring off all wildlife for a mile radius and a mile and half downwind.

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