Word of the Day -Solipsist

  • Noun: Solipsist
    1. Philosophy The theory that the self is the only thing that can be known and verified.
    2. The view that the self is the only reality.
    3. Absorption with oneself without consideration for the needs and desires of others: a self-indulgent memoir that revealed the author’s solipsism.
  • Synonyms:
    1. egoism
    2. self-containment
    3. subjectivity
    4. egocentricity
    5. ipseity
    6. narcissism
    7. self-absorption
    8. self-reliance
    9. autonomy
    10. singularity
    11. uniqueness
  • Usage:
    1. “’EA and BA meat on the same haul as Solipsists Anonymous but those guys act like no one else is in the building.'”
  • Encountered:
    1.  This was a comment to my blog posting, Homophone Challenged. I knew the meaning of the word as an adherent of the philosophy of Solipsism. But reading the comment I wondered if it might have another definition.  Sure enough… it is a high brow way of calling someone a selfish mofo.

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