Word of the Day – Solastalgia

  • Noun:  Solastalgia – proposed new word
    1. unease and melancholy caused by the destruction of the natural environment;
    2. Additional Information: blend of “solace” and “nostalgia” Example: It has led to the coining of a new word, solastalgia: the distress induced by environmental change and the degradation of one’s home place. [Irish Times (online), 2 March 2020]
  • Synonyms:
    1. eco-anxiety
  • Usage:
    1. Solastalgia is a new concept developed to give greater meaning and clarity to environmentally induced distress. “
  • Encountered:
    1.   An article on  National Library of Medicine: Solastalgia: the distress caused by environmental change 

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One Reply to “Word of the Day – Solastalgia”

  1. Use of “solace” seems to reverse the meaning – I would define that as solace found in remembering, nostalgia for the olden days, as it were –

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