Word of the Day – Sacrosanct

  •  Noun: SacrosanctPrayer_in_Cairo_1865
    1. most sacred or holy : inviolable
    2. treated as if holy : immune from criticism or violation <politically sacrosanct programs>
  • Synonyms:
    1. Sacred
    2. Hallowed
    3. Respected
    4. Inviolable
    5. Inviolate
    6. Unimpeachable
    7. Invulnerable
    8. Untouchable
    9. inalienable
  •  Usage:

“Another kind of modern tribune would be ombudsmen to whom the poor could appeal against routine bureaucratic indignities, as the Roman poor were protected by a tribune’s “sacrosanct” physical presence. ~~ New York Times Editorial

  • Encountered:

New York Times Editorial: An Ancient Civics Lesson

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