Word of the Day – Opprobrious

  • Adjective:  Opprobrious
    1. expressive of opprobrium : scurrilous opprobrious language
    2. deserving of opprobrium
  • Noun:  Opprobrium
    1. something that brings disgrace
    2. public disgrace or ill fame that follows from conduct considered grossly wrong or vicious
  • Synonyms:
    1. abusive
    2. vituperative
    3. derogatory
    4. disparaging
    5. denigratory
    6. pejorative
    7. insulting
    8. offensive
    9. slanderous
    10. libelous
    11. bitchy
  • Usage:
    1. Asimov raised his hand. “I had read only about a quarter of it, ” he recalls in his memoirs, “when N. stopped me and used an opprobrious barnyard term to describe my writing. I had never heard a teacher  use a ‘dirty word’ before and I was shocked.”
  • Encountered:
    1. While reading Joseph Telushkin’s book Words That Hurt Words That Heal.

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