Word of the Day – Opprobrious

  • Adjective:  Opprobrious
    1. conveying or expressing opprobrium ( harsh criticism or censure), as language or a speaker: opprobrious invectives.
    2. outrageously disgraceful or shameful:  opprobrious conduct
  • Synonyms:
    1.   abusive
    2. contumelious
    3. invective
    4. scurrilous
    5. truculent
    6. vitriolic
    7. vituperative
    8. vituperatory
    9. wee what a list of words…several Words of the Day in there
  • Usage:
    1. “’It does Mr. Peters,’ says she. ‘I might have known you wouldn’t have gone into anything that wasn’t opprobrious. But what will my duties be? Do I have to reject personally these 3,000 ramscallions you speak of, or can I throw them out in bunches?’”
  • Encountered:
    1. While reading O. Henry’s short story, The Exact Science of Matrimony

To see more Words of the Day, visit this link: Words of the Day

Just as an aside, I have spent 50 or 60 years thinking William Sydney Porter’s pen name was O’Henry not O. Henry.  Live and learn.   I’ll let you figure out what the O stands for.

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