Word of the Day – Malaprop / Malapropism

  • Noun:  Malaprop / malapropism
    1. the mistaken use of a word in place of a similar-sounding one, often with unintentionally amusing effect, as in, for example, “dance a flamingo ” (instead of flamenco )..
  •  Synonyms:
    1. wrong word
    2. solecism
    3. misuse
    4. misapplication
    5. infelicity
    6. Freudian slip
    7. blunder
  • Usage:

Oh, I just love the kind of woman who can walk over a man
I mean like a god damn marching band
She says, like literally, music is the air she breathes
And the malaprops make me want to fucking scream
I wonder if she even knows what that word means
Well, it’s literally not that
~~ “The Night Josh Tillman Came To Our Apartment” by Father John Misty.

  • Encountered:
    • While listening to a song on KDHX

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