Word of the Day – Irascible

  • Adjective:  Irascible
    1. becoming angry very easily : having a bad temper
    2. characterized or produced by anger
  •  Synonyms:
    1. Irritable
    2. quick-tempered
    3. short-tempered
    4. hot-tempered
    5. testy
    6. touchy
    7. tetchy
    8. edgy
    9. crabby
    10. petulant
    11. waspish
    12. Dyspeptic
    13. snappish
  • Usage:
    1. “Cournet was a man of lofty stature; he had broad shoulders, a red face, a crushing fist, a bold heart, a loyal soul, a sincere and terrible eye. Intrepid, energetic, irascible, stormy; the most cordial of men, the most formidable of combatants.
  • Encountered:
    1. While reading Les Miserables by Victor Hugo

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