Word of the Day – Execrable


  •  Adjective: Execrable
    1. deserving to be execrated :  detestable
    2. very bad :  wretched
  • Synonyms:
    1. Appalling
    2. Atrocious
    3. Lamentable
    4. Egregious
    5. Awful
    6. Dreadful
    7. Terrible
  • Usage:

“But the more common method is for a film genre to commit self-slaughter through laziness. The most recent one to throw itself upon its sword is the bromance, and the metaphorical sword in this case is the execrable new Will Ferrell and Kevin Hart comedy, Get Hard.”

  • Encountered:

While reading The once-mighty bromance is dead – and Get Hard killed it on the guardian.com

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