Word of the Day –Bespoke

  • Noun: Bespoke
    1. made for a particular customer or user
    2. dealing in or producing custom-made articles
    3. engaged
  • Synonyms:
    1. custom
    2. customized
    3. specialized
    4. tailored
    5. custom-made
    6. tailor-made
    7. special
    8. custom-tailored
  • Usage:
    1. “Custom courts are becoming more common, but a lot of pickleball is being played on tennis courts marked with bespoke boundary lines to show where the pickleball stops. By square footage, a tennis court is three times larger, so “picklers” have much less ground to cover.”
  • Encountered:
    1. While reading: Editorial: Can pickleball save democracy? We’ve heard worse ideas.

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