Word of the Day – Canard

  • Noun: Canard
    1. an unfounded rumor or story.
    2. a small winglike projection attached to an aircraft forward of the main wing to provide extra stability or control, sometimes replacing the tail.
  • Synonyms:
    1. Hoax
    2. Exaggeration
    3. Rumor
    4. Fabrication
    5. Fib
    6. Spoof
    7. Swindle
  • Usage:

“Montero victorious, completely victorious!” Mrs. Gould breathed out in a tone of unbelief.

“A canard, probably. That sort of bird is hatched in great numbers in such times as these. And even if it were true? Well, let us put things at their worst, let us say it is true.”


While reading Nostromo – A Tale of the Seaboard by Joseph Conrad

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