Wisdom is Where You Find It

Spent a few hours today with  my mother, who is on the Alzheimer’s path. . .on a “good” day, she knows something is not right, and tries to figure out what that is. . .she is one smart lady. . .tough and practical. . .she did not know where she was going to sleep tonight. . .I tried to reassure her without triggering her. . .at one point, she looked at me and said, “When we were younger, the things we thought were hard were really pretty easy.” I am still making my back into the solar system after being blown away by that observation from a “demented” person. . .Mom, I am developing more and more admiration for your courage as a practicing human being dealing with what life has delivered to your front door step. . .I hope on some level you are aware of that fact. . .

A note from my brother James Michael


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