Wisdom from the Alzheimer’s ward

My mother who cannot remember my name; my mother who thinks her mother is still alive which would make my grandmother 119 years old;  my mother who was surprised when I reminded her that she was once married; my mother who wanted to know what restaurant we were at as the staff at her nursing home was putting out dinner… Sung the whole chorus to this song 5 or 6 times in the hour I was there.  I really found it a piece of wisdom from a surprising source.  Of course, the song does have an “eat, drink, and do Mary for tomorrow we die” theme to it.   But sometimes that is not bad advice.

I have included the YouTube video of a Guy Lombardo rendition of the song below.

Just for the record my mother has  been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s.  She is in a lock-in memory management unit at The Baptist Village in Oklahoma.

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