We Can’t Make It Here Anymore

This song and video pretty much nails the American malaise. It is a little dated as Bush is the president, but the sentiments still work.

I have several disappointments with Obama, one of the biggest is that he has not gotten us out of these wars. Another is that he seems to be in the pocket of the korporate overlords.

One Reply to “We Can’t Make It Here Anymore”

  1. I have a friend who is a Viet Nam veteran. He was there during the agent orange spraying of the jungle. He filed a claim with the VA for issues related to exposure to this chemical. The VA balked on his claim then went so far as to threaten him to just drop it. He refused citing evidence toward his claim. His wife received his death beneficiary in the mail and a letter thanking her for his service to our country. They went to out local VA and demanded that this be cleared up. He was told that this sort of mistake happens quite frequently and not to worry about it. He voided the check and sent a statement from the local VA with a time and date stamp indicating he wasn’t deceased. Last week she receives the paperwork for her to brass the brass memorial for his grave site. This has been going on for over 6 months. He has heart trouble and this event really stressed him out at first. He has calmed down. But isn’t to use the VA due to his death.

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