Trump uses Joseph Goebbels play book on the “Big Lie”

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”  ~~ Joseph Goebbels, German politician and Reich Minister of Propaganda of Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945.

Below is from a New York Times article, With False Claims, Trump Attacks Media on Turnout and Intelligence Rift

He also called journalists “among the most dishonest human beings on earth,” and he said that up to 1.5 million people had attended his inauguration, a claim that photographs disproved.

Later, at the White House, he dispatched Sean Spicer, the press secretary, to the briefing room in the West Wing, where Mr. Spicer scolded reporters and made a series of false statements.

He said news organizations had deliberately misstated the size of the crowd at Mr. Trump’s inauguration on Friday in an attempt to sow divisions at a time when Mr. Trump was trying to unify the country, warning that the new administration would hold them to account.

Strap on your seat belts, while he has been lying all along, it is going to get much, much worse.  At one level, I do not believe this man is in touch with reality.  His brain is operating in some alternate, dysfunctional dimension.

I will have to agree with Trump on one thing he Tweeted, ““Watched protests yesterday but was under the impression that we just had an election! Why didn’t these people vote?

The fact that this so called leader is still ranting on Twitter should be scaring the shit out of any reasonable person.  I know that there are certain types of people that will always be drawn to power, but it perplexes me why any sane person would associate themselves with this obscenity masquerading as a human being.

3 Replies to “Trump uses Joseph Goebbels play book on the “Big Lie””

  1. Let’s hope we didn’t regress back to the 1930’s or 40’s. It’s repugnant enough crawling back into the 50’s with the Repubs. Here’s hoping we don’t have to crawl under our desks again.

  2. I just do not understand why people believe the lies and they know he is telling a lie.

  3. Musings of a baby boomer

    Get use to the alternate truth…. His campaigning looked like Mussolini, they both look like truculent babies with their lower lips pooched out…. What we’re not releasing our taxes…. The scariest part is that there is never not enough people to join the ranks…. The greatest generation on earth kicked out Joe Mcarthy before he did to much damage, can the baby boomers do the same…. Nepotism gotta love it….. What an embarrassment it is to admit being an American overseas now…. The Axis of Stupidity is in effect now, Kim Jung Il, Vladimer Putin and the king of greed donald trump….

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