Trend Micro had me flagged, but all is better

If you are using Trend Micro as your anti-virus software, they had my site flagged as containing a virus.

I ran my site through a utility that is available to WordPress web sites.  No viruses were found, but there was a fair amount of old code that the utility did not like.  I’ve been doing this blog a long time.  I cleaned all that up.  Scanned again, and got a absolutely clean scan.  I submitted my site to Trend Micro and they agreed it was clean and unflagged it.

All the major search engines except Yandex do not have me flagged,and have not ever had me flagged.

I am still working on Yandex. Yandex is based in Russia, and apparently is one of the big four search engines according to my WordPress SEO plugin.  Their requirements are little different.  I find that a bit ironic as a couple years ago my site was under a brute force attack out of Russia and eastern Europe locations.  Why my site, as it is truly the Home of the Little Known Blogger, I have no idea.  Much of the bad cyber activities originate from this region of the globe, however.

Ah… the joys of maintaining a web site.  Especially, as all I really want to do is write silliness and rant about things.  It is enough to turn someone into a curmudgeon.

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