To my email buddies/correspondents:

Anyone who knows me even slightly knows that I like to argue and talk politics.  They also know that I am somewhere to the left on the political spectrum.

I am probably not as near open minded about listening to other opinions as I fancy myself.  Nevertheless that is my goal.

I’ve been known from time to time pass on emails, editorials, jokes, cartoons, opinions poking at the right.  Doing that, I think it is only fair game to allow folks to pass items to me from the other side.  Some of them are funny, some of them make me think, and some of them just make me roll my eyes.

Most of it is good in the free exchange of ideas.  What I do not like is the current crop of cartoon, jokes, etc with racial overtones.  They are obviously due to the fact that we now have an African-American president.  

Send me all you want trashing Obama’s policies, politics, or actions.  Please do not pass the racial items in my direction.  The very best thing that can happen to those are for them to die in your inbox as you hit the delete key.

4 Replies to “To my email buddies/correspondents:”

  1. Amen!! I admire anyone who stands up for what they believe in and this issue has really been on my mind lately, so thank you!

  2. Being left or right does not mean that we have to be prjudiced or immoral in how we treat others. Racially based “jokes” are basically insults to our fellow humans.

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