Tin Foil Hat Conspiracy

I have a correspondent, a fellow reprobate like myself, from the northern hinterlands of Chicago. He sent me the following musings that struck a note with me.

While watching the riot news last night I had a moment of conspiratorial déjà vu. I’ve seen this stuff before. I immediately put my Tin Foil Hat on and began to think back in history. I remember the Civil Rights riots in the 60’s in Watts, Detroit, Newark, Chicago, Philadelphia, and a whole lot of other cities. Those riots and demonstrations, including the Anti-War protests, the Women’s Rights and Gay Rights protests, usually had an element of police crackdown and brutality. They also resulted in a strong push back by whites. In 1968 Richard Nixon used that push back to help him win the White House.

My Tin Foil Hat was telling me that maybe, just maybe, the Orange Menace to Society would use the current protests over police indiscriminately murdering black men and women to rally not just his base, but the white voters he was losing to his racist and impotent childish leadership. He also desperately needs a major distraction from the raging incompetence he’s displayed during the Pandemic. I’ve read reports the white supremacists wing nuts, and the Boogalooser Boys were infiltrating the protests and agitating the rioting in Minneapolis and other cities. I also read about a new threatening far right group calling themselves Accelerationists. These people are looking to, obviously, accelerate the chaos and destruction in society for their own nefarious purposes. Of course, our pristine attorney general has denounced the riots as a hijacking by left wing terrorist groups, because right wing terrorist groups are patriots, I guess. This from the guy who thinks we didn’t catch on to his bullshit interpretation of the Mueller Report.

This is the same playbook Republicans have used repeatedly. Blame the Left for the riots, and blame the victims for forcing police to shoot or choke them to death. Law and Order is their selective mantra. It doesn’t apply to White Supremacists.

Could the Republican Party be behind all this chaos, or maybe just a handful of operatives from the Menace’s campaign? This is the same party that screwed the Paris Peace Talks in 1968 to aid Nixon’s election and prolong the war in Vietnam, then told the Iranians not to negotiate with Jimmy Carter, thus ensuring Reagan’s election. This is the party that put G.W. Bush in the White House under a cloud of hanging chads and uncounted votes, and allowed Russia to win the last election. We can’t trust them to protect America, and we certainly can’t trust them with our Democracy. They are thugs.




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One Reply to “Tin Foil Hat Conspiracy”

  1. Look back al ittle farther in history and look at Hitler, “IL DUCE” Mussolini and
    used bad times to Accelerate their FASCIST agenda’s. Same story different
    victims different names same kinda assholes pushing.

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