This Land is Your Land

Woody Guthrie wrote this song in 1940 during the Great Depression and Dust Bowl days.  In this day of union busting, growing wealth gap, and some say outright class warfare, maybe we need to be reminded of Woody’s words.  This is land is for all of us, just not a few, and certainly not the corporations that seem to have hijacked our government.

By the way, the gal in the middle of the 3 women singing back up is Moncia Taylor who I do a website for…check it it out.


3 Replies to “This Land is Your Land”

  1. Yes many people have forgot WHY unions came into existance in the
    first place. The greedy wealthy people (the Gettys, the Rockerfellers ) didn’t care what happened to the worker ( just so they made their almighty $$’s and were able to live the high life ), whether he was injured on the job, or died, (they just hired another one and say the hell with him), the railroads where very good at this , brakemen were constantly falling off the raliroad cars at high speeds, others were being crushed between connecting cars. They didn’t care whether he had enough money to eat and survive and take care of his family. The mining companies also were a greedy bunch, they had the company store which kept the worker in servitude by selling him goods at high prices. The worker could never make enough money to get out of debt to the company store, and oh yeah his housing was company too, and if he quit his job he lost his housing.

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