Things That Go Bump in the Night

The Wee Dog has developed a habit of coming on-board the bed in the middle of the night. When she does this she either snuggles in between Robin and I, or she tries to clean my face. The first I do not mind; the second I am desperately trying to redirect.

Lily stands maybe 14 inches at the shoulder. Our bed stands 32 inches above the deck. This means the critter must get a running start to jump 2 ½ times her height, and she can only do it on my side of the bed. On a good leap she just barely clears, and it is usually the thump of her legs hitting the side of the bed that awakens me. Occasionally she misses and I hear a thump, and then another thump in quick succession as she hits the floor. This is more frequent when the lights are out. Not to worry as this does not deter her even for a wee bit. Those thumps are always followed by a very successful single thump.

Last night was “entertaining” as Robin’s daughter was spending the night. Sarah must have been talking in her sleep as the Wee Dog keeping hearing something she was impelled to go investigate. The night was a thump followed by a period of quiet. I was then vaguely aware of the dog perking up and leaving the nest. About the time I fell back to sleep there came the thump.

So the night went on –thump… thump, thump… thump…

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