I was walking through one of big box stores that dominant the American retail landscape. Headed towards the checkout was white male in the 3oish… 40ish age bracket. He had on a t-shirt the front of which read,”DONALD FUCKIN’ TRUMP’. The back read,”IF YOU DON’T BLEED RED, WHITE & BLUE, TAKE YOUR BITCHIN’ ASS HOME”
I started to say something to this individual, then reminded myself that you cannot argue with stupid.
I’m not a prude, but wearing a t-shirt with profanity on it is a line no one should cross. Secondly, I could see a tear running down the cheek of the Statue of Liberty because of the anti-immigrant sentiment expressed. In my universe this a land based on diversity and tolerance, populated by immigrants.
Now if he had changed the order of the words on the front of his t-shirt, dropping the “IN'” from fuck– FUCK DONALD TRUMP –I could have agreed with him despite the profantiy.
Yes, I know, where is my tolerance. It goes out the window when it comes bigotry and hate mongering.