The Saga of Lugnut

Lugnut back home

Chapter One

Tells of Larry Lugnut’s surprise homecoming after being lost for such a long time. All his family and friends were overjoyed when he returned home. Larry Lugnut recounted his many adventures while trying to get back home and he was even almost washed into the mighty Mississippi river during a flood.

Chapter Two

We find Larry Lugnut meeting and making a new friend, Mr. Tibbet the frog. Mr. Tibbet likes to ribbet as frogs are prone to do. Well Mr. Tibbet had a dilemma. He was invited to a fancy party where he needed to dress in period costume which included a top hat. Well Mr. Tibbet searched high and low in all the stores and was unable to find anyone selling top hats. The day of the party was at hand and Mr. Tibbet was very upset that he didn’t have a top hat. Then Larry Lugnut said, “Hey, I have an idea. I could be your top hat.” And that is exactly what Larry Lugnut did. Mr. Tibbet was so happy and had a great time at the party. Larry Lugnut made many new friends at the party too.

Lugnut with Lugnut
Lugnut with Lugnut

Lugnut with Lugnut
Lugnut eyes Lugnut

Chapter 3

Mr. Tibbit  met a new friend called Ms. Tomasia Toad at the party and she jumped over heels to have a conversation with the handsome frogly man. Ms Tomasia was mystified by the way the lovely lug nut hat was so snugly fastened on top of Mr. Tibbit’s head. 

Larry Lugnut could not refrain from telling his story about his homecoming and before Ms. Tomasia Toad could find herself a lily pad to sit on, Larry loosened himself from Mr. Tibbit’s head and began to roll down the sidewalk at the party.  Both Mr. Tibbit and Ms. Tomasia Toad began their long, leaping and lopping journey to follow the clenching and clamping adventures of Larry Lugnut. 

2 Replies to “The Saga of Lugnut”

  1. Fascinating story! Can anyone participate in writing more to the saga of Larry and Mr. Tibbit? Who is that handsome and unusual man pictured with the characters?

  2. Larry felt a need to understand about his quick retreat from the party. He rolled himself into a gully near the park about a 1/2 mile from the party. Lying there, he wondered why he left his best friend, Mr. Tibbet. Was it that strange woman that kept talking to him? Was Mr. Tibbet interested in making her his “best friend?” Larry pondered for awhile and then rolled himself back to the party. He missed his good friend. He saw Mr. Tibbet and Ms. Tomasia jumping in his direction with a worried look on both of their frogly faces. Larry looked up at Mr. Tibbet and Mr. Tibbet gently picked him up with his front two legs and gave him a look that only a lugnut could understand. As they went back towards the party, Larry asked if they were interested in going to the hardware store and visiting some of his family. I think that Mr. Tibbet understood that Larry was missing some of his own kind and needed to connect with the real nuts and bolts of his real family. Mr. Tibbet put Larry Lugnut on his head in just the right place and the three of them made gleefully hopped down the sidewalk, ribbeting
    as they traveled. It was a happy sight. Larry held tight as the jumping got higher and faster. All of a sudden……

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