The Raping of America

Now That’s Rich – New York Times op-ed piece by Paul Krugman

From the article:

“We need to pinch pennies these days. Don’t you know we have a budget deficit? For months that has been the word from Republicans and conservative Democrats, who have rejected every suggestion that we do more to avoid deep cuts in public services and help the ailing economy.

But these same politicians are eager to cut checks averaging $3 million each to the richest 120,000 people in the country.”

In my humble opinion, the Conservative Right is battling as hard as they can to turn our nation into a Banana Republic.  They are willing to allow the richest folks to rape the rest of us.

As Jimmie LaFave so famously said in his song This Land, “And the ones who have too much, Seem to never get enough.”   The needs of many must outweigh the greed of a few.

I am sadden to the point of depression about the state of our political and economic systems in this country.

Of course, what really scares me is that I have an acquaintance who truly believes that Fox News is like their motto, “Fair and Balanced”.  That is mind blowing in the extreme by itself.  They believe these tax breaks to the rich are good becasue it is the rich investing that generate jobs.  The old rising tide raises all ships theory, or as it is better known, trickle down voodoo.

I think I will find me a cave and crawl into it.


4 Replies to “The Raping of America”

  1. I totally agree. The middle class down to the downright poor are suffering tremendously, while the Republicans and Conservatives make sure the rich get richer.

    I am also sure the rich keep paying them to make sure they stay rich. It is sad and not at all what our country was based on when it was first established. Our founding fathers of this country are probably rolling over in their graves seeing how our country has been changed since they got it started.

  2. Lets all band together and quit working for these rich fat cats! They will be unable to exponentially increase their wealth if we hold true to our principles and refuse to work for them. The founding fathers didn’t intend for free people to get rich did they?

  3. Many of Founding Fathers were slave owners. Many of them were rich off the labor of others.

    When is rich, rich enough. Many of these folks are rich only because they have exploited other people.

    When everyone has at least one piece of pie, then you can go back for seconds.

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