The Not So Invisible Line

I crossed a line invisible to my ego, but apparently readily seen by others.  It is somewhat of a reverse of the Emperor’s new clothes. 

I live where I live in Memphis not because the apartment is particularly nice, or particularly inexpensive.  I live where I live because it is a half mile from the office and I like the convenience of that.   My grandparents fell upon hard times for a while, and they lived in what was called “the projects” back then.  Basically it was a lot of low income folks crowded together in subsidized housing.  This apartment complex reminds of that place and time.

I came home from work today and there were a bunch of kids playing outside.  This is something nice to see these days when so many kids are inside in front of the TV or video games.  There were 4 girls and boy.  I’m not good at ages, but I am guessing around 6, 7, 8, somewhere in there.  They were playing hide and seek.  The whispered very loudly asking me to not tell their friend where they were.  I acquiesced

I went upstairs and changed into my running attire.  Bear with me a minute and let me describe how I was dressed.  I had on a pair of running shorts that hit me about mid thigh.  Because it was a bit nippy and windy, I had on a long sleeve t-shirt with a zippered collar.  I also had on a wind vest.  Upon my head I had a very sweat stained cap with the Mississippi Braves emblem.  And of course I had on running shoes.  I think the coup de grâce was the Zensahs I had on both legs.  I guessing that you do not know what a Zensah is.  Picture a black support hose with the foot cut out.  They run from ankle to just below the knee.  They are not uncommon in the running world and are use for various running related ailments like shin splints, etc.  I wear them because I have varicose vein and it helps with the circulation.

I grabbed my iPod and water bottle and headed out of the apartment to drive to the Green Line, a converted rail track that is now paved.  Bikers, runners and walkers all use it.  It is a nice thing for the county to provide to its citizens.

The kids were now playing at the bottom of stairs and I had to walk past them.  When I did get past I heard a bunch of laughing, and one of the kids say, “Look at that old man going to gym.”  One of the little girls chased me down and asked me if I was indeed going to the gym.

I crossed that not so invisible line where I am now an old man…sigh.

8 Replies to “The Not So Invisible Line”

  1. Just be glad they didn’t think you were in your second chilhood and ask you to play hide n seek.

  2. I am not there yet, but I sure can hang with them on the basketball court. Now that I just started running in the park, I would love see my result pay off in 60 days. We are just like wine because we are maturing.

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