The Middle Class Is Crumbling

Quote from video accessed by link below:

“Thirty years ago, the CEOs that are in ‘Undercover Boss’ were making 30 times as much as their working people. Now, they’re making 300 times as much! We’re about to become Venezuela, or Brazil, you know where the people at the top are basically behind they’re gates with guards to protect their kids from kidnapping. The middle class is crumbling and that’s the country we’re going to become… if we don’t fundamentally change where we’re going.”

Arianna On ‘Real Time’: The Middle Class Is Crumbling

A comment was made about CEOs not knowing what was going on below their levels in a company.  It is not that they do not know, it is that they do not care.  So many of those folks have a sense of entitlement to their obscene salaries.  Bill Maher is right.  We have it backwards.  The upper echelons get theirs before the folks that really produce get theirs.  I have no problems with those having more responsibilities, skills, etc getting more money for what  they do.  Heaven knows, I was a boss for 6 years and I hated every day of it.  But I am sorry, no one is worth 300 times the what the worker bees are making.

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