Ten Commandments for Politicians – Revisited

Ten Commandments for Politicians

Nearly a dozen years I started working on a ten commands for politicians.  At that time I came up seven, and I had hoped someone would have helped me round the list out.  But I am truly “The Little Known Blogger”.  So now I am revisiting that list, especially in light of the corrupt administration driving this nation into 3rd world status.

  1. First, do ye no harm
  2. The majority rules, not the dollars
  3. Ye live in a glass house, act accordingly
  4. Thou shall avoid in all ways the trough of the lobbyist
  5. If it looks like pork, if it oinks like pork, if it sizzles like pork, vote ye not on it
  6. Remember ye that Squealor was not right, “All animals ARE equal, but some and no animals are more equal than others.” This includes politicians, government officials, politically connected business people, and wealthy donors.
  7. Usufruct – Remember ye that we are but Stewards for those that come after us, as those who came before were Stewards for us.
  8. Take ye responsibility for thine actions,  good or bad. Acknowledge thy mistakes, and better yet, learn from thy mistakes.
  9. Govern ye by facts, not dogma or “gut instincts”.
  10. Be thou a leader for all the people, not just thy party or thy supporters.  There is but one life boat.  We all need to be rowing together.

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