I’m trying to come up with ten commandments for politicians. This is a far as I have gotten:
- First, do ye no harm
- The majority rules, not the dollars
- Ye live in a glass house, act accordingly
- Thou shall avoid in all ways the trough of the lobbyist
- If it looks like pork, if it oinks like pork, if it sizzles like pork, vote ye not on it
- Remember ye that Squealor was not right, “All animals ARE equal,
but someand no animals are more equal than others.” This includes politicians and government officials. - Usufruct – Remember ye that we are but Stewards for those that come after us, as those who came before were Stewards for us.
I have an Indian friend who reads my blog from time, but will not post on it as he is trying to get his Green Card. I tried to explain to him that the last thing the INS or Homeland Security was worried about was my little pea-pickin blog. But he worries anyway.
After reading this he did send me a link to Animal Farm and The Seven Commandments of Animalism. I had forgotten them, it has been so very long since I read this book.
Anyway, if you remember Squealer pared the commands down to one ~ All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.
Which led me to rivise my Sixth Commandment it was ~ “Remember ye that the vast majority of the folks that elected you do not drive Beamers, get $100 haircuts, and send their kids to private colleges”. It was changed to reflects Squealer’s Commandment