My Chinese Nightmare

Ten or 15 years ago I was toying around with the idea of becoming ESL (English as a Second Language) certified so I could teach the language in a foreign country.  Perhaps a better word would be fantasizing. I never really pursued the fantasy for a few reasons.  Number one, in a class room situation I am a dreadful teacher.  I do fine one on one or maybe myself and 2 or 3 other souls sitting in a cube as I go over a technology I know really well. I have had people praise me mightily in those circumstances. The few times I was roped in presenting to a large group to teach something, I felt like it was a horrendous experience for me and my audience.  Another reason is that an English teacher in a foreign country does not earn much.  When I was having these fantasies it was pre 2008 and my 401k was looking very fruitful.  I thought maybe I could work for experiential reasons versus pecuniary.

Now the real kicker for me is Continue reading “My Chinese Nightmare”