Donald eres un pendejo

So I have been taking Spanish lessons via Italki using Skye for a while now. The other evening I was working with a young man from Guatemala.  The subject of the dysfunctional man now pretending to be POTUS came up.  He was telling me there is a very popular t-shirt in his country (and as it turns out through out the Latino world) that reads “Donald eres un pendejo“.

Just in case you are not up on your Mexican obscenities, pendejo is asshole.

Plus I would assume it is disrespectful to use the personal you when addressing a man of the supposed stature of Gospodin Trump.

Apparently the whole world, except redneck America, hates Donald Trump…go figure.

Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #5,199

yeah I know you did not ask!

They used to call Ronald Reagan the Teflon President as no scandal or misstep seem to cling to him.  What would you call Effingham Rump?  As he said, he could literally randomly shoot someone in Time Square, in broad daylight, in front of thousands of folks, and he would walk away from it without repercussion.

The number of scandals and just pure evil from Effingham Rump’s administration should have been enough to bring down 20 administrations.  Yet he rocks on.

God save us from the #WorstPresidentEver.

There are not enough poor folks to satisfy this Administration

Apparently there are not enough poor people in this country to satisfy the Effingham Trumpsters!

The Department of Labor released a proposed rule rescinding portions of its tip regulations, including current restrictions on “tip pooling”—which would mean that, for example, restaurants would be able to pool the tips servers receive and share them with untipped employees such as cooks and dishwashers. But, crucially, the rule doesn’t actually require that employers distribute pooled tips to workers. Under the administration’s proposed rule, as long as the tipped workers earn minimum wage, the employer can legally pocket those tips.

Rev. Joe’s Random Thought # 6,587

yeah I know you did not ask!

For the sake of me I cannot understand why anyone who self-identified as a Christian would have voted for Effingham Trump.  He is the antithesis of all I understand to be Christ’s teaching.

I was ruminating on this and I came up with this theory. They actually believe Effingham Trump to be the Anti-Christ.  As such he is going to hasten the days of Revelation that so many them seem to be waiting for so they will be raptured to heaven.  It is the only thing that makes sense to me.

Flood Trump’s Twitter Feed

I have no delusions that this will go anywhere, but I do wish it would.  I think we need to flood Effingham Trump’s Twitter feed with postings of this sort.  Not sure how much good it would do as he is too stupid and too narcissistic to take a nation hating him to heart.    But I can hope.  Maybe if we overwhelmed his Twitter account, we would not be constantly exposed to his obscene comments.

Add to  this “cluster Effingham” the enabling, bought and paid for Republican Congress and this nation has essentially put a gun to its head and pulled the trigger.

I do wonder how long before I am blocked from posting on Effingham Trump’s Twitter feed. This is not the first time I’ve been outraged and done something like the below.



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