Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #2,376

yeah I know you did not ask!

There is a house in our neighborhood that I can see their front yard from the kitchen window at the back of our house.  The house is actually the one street over on a street that runs perpendicular to our street.  For Halloween one their decorations was a witch on a broomstick crashing into a tree.  For Christmas they have Santa Claus falling off of the roof.

I do believe I am going to knock on their door and introduce myself.  They seem like my sort of folks.

Word of the Day – Maleficium


  • Noun: Maleficium
    1. Witchcraft; Harmful magic
    2. Legal definition (civil law): waste, damage, tort
  • Synonyms:
    1. Sorcery
    2. Witchcraft
    3. Mischief
    4. Tort
  • Usage:

“Discover whether you are guilty of maleficium and/or would have been accused of practicing witchcraft according to the laws and evidence used during the 1692 Salem Witch Trials.”

  • Encountered:

While reading 17 Signs That You’d Qualify as a Witch in 1692 at

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