Last Request

Mark Rush's houseFor years I’ve been telling my kids I want to be cremated when I pass from this plane of existence. I then want them to grow some tomato plants and/or marijuana plants in containers. They can take my ashes and spread them on within the containers. My thought being they could then enjoy me in a nice salad or relax on the patio with a doobie.   Either way they could remember me one more time.

David has never said much either way about my last request. Keely has remarked in the past that she thought that be a gross idea. However, she may be coming around a little.

I came up with another idea today.   They could bury me in my little blue Miata. In one hand they could place a doobie. In the other hand they could put a bottle of nice wine. And for the crowning touch, place a mannequin in there with me in such position that it looks like she is giving me road head.

Now that is the way to enter the afterlife.

No wine for you, Cat

100_0380Robin’s cat, Booty Wang, is your typical finicky cat.  He is especially finicky about his water.  He prefers that it be from a running source.  A time or two or ten I have found Robin running the water at the bathroom sink and Booty lapping it up from the stream.

Given my attitude about the subservient nature of companions not of the Homo sapiens food group, I am not going to do this.  However, I do feel a responsibility for animals partially in my care.  We did start keeping a water bowl in the upstairs master bathroom as well as one in the laundry room.  He would not drink from the original bowl that I had purchased.  After a few weeks I wondered if it was because it was plastic.  So I changed it out for a glass bowl.  Voila, he would drink from that, BUT only if the water was fresh.  If the water had sat for more than a few hours he ignores it.   He will walk into the bathroom sit down in front of the bowl, and wait for a human to magically change it into fresh water.   Did I call him the subservient species earlier?

This morning that routine transacted, and he still just sat there looking at the fresh water in the bowl.  In exasperation I said, “Cat, I cannot change it into wine, deal with it.”  That is when I remembered I had not taken my meds.

Oy Vey — To Bris or Not To Bris

Author’s note:   As Jack Friday would say, “The names of the participants in this have been changed to protect the innocent.”  That and so hopefully they will not beat the H-E-double hockey sticks out of me.

Last November my girlfriend, Gaia, and myself went to see the wonderful musician, Ellis Paul.  We invited Apollo to come with us even though the music was not his beloved opera.  Gaia and Apollo have been close friends for many, many years.   While I have not known Apollo as long, I consider him a friend also.  Apollo is perhaps 10 or 12 years older than Gaia and I.  He is retired from a technical position with the US government.  He is a very bright, a very Italian, gay gentleman.  He is a kind, genuine individual.  It is always interesting and entertaining to be around him.  He is one of those individuals that seem to live life to its fullest, and he does so with great joy.

After a wonderful evening of  music with Ellis Paul, Gaia and I took Apollo back to his abode.  He invited us in for some cheese and wine before we ventured back to the wilds of Chesterfield.  We visited for a while enjoying good wine and some cheese that Apollo had crafted himself.  I went to the bathroom and when I returned the conversation had turned to circumcision!  Apollo could not understand why it is so widely practiced in a non-Jewish nation such as the United States.    Continue reading “Oy Vey — To Bris or Not To Bris”

3 Buck Chuck

My lady friend has a childhood friend that is an opera singer and lives mostly in Milan, Italy and spends some time in New York City. 

Recently for health reasons she was in St. Louis for an extended stay.  Her Maestro was flying from California to New York, and decided to stop in St. Louis to visit one of his sopranos and a friend.  My girlfriend opened her house to them and had a small dinner party with the Maestro cooking.

I had asked about one of the wines that was brought that I especially liked.  It turned out it was an inexpensive wine from one of the local Italian grocery stores.  The Maestro then told how he bought 3 Buck Chuck aka Charles Shaw wines from Trader Joes 3 cases at a time.  Continue reading “3 Buck Chuck”