Wealth Distribution in USA

Wealth Distribution in the USA - 2003

Just in case you cannot read the graph which is data on wealth distribution in the USA from 2003.
The top 1% have 25% of the wealth in the USA
The top 5% have 50.7%
The top 10% have 62.9%.
That leaves 90% of us fighting over 37.1% of the pie.
The only country with a worse mal-distribution of wealth is Mexico.


“Wealth is a person’s net worth, expressed as:

wealth  = assets  – liabilities

The word “wealth” is often confused with “income”. These two terms describe different but related things.”

“A study by the World Institute for Development Economics Research at United Nations University reports that the richest 1% of adults alone owned 40% of global assets in the year 2000, and that the richest 10% of adults accounted for 85% of the world total. The bottom half of the world adult population owned barely 1% of global wealth… Moreover, another study found that the richest 2% own more than half of global household assets.”

Source for above – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distribution_of_wealth

As Shakespeare so nicely put it, “There is something rotten in Denmark.”

Since you landed on this page this is an issue that probably concerns you.  Question is now what are you going to do about it?

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How the Middle Class lost the Globalization War

I’m not the only that thinks our leaders have let corporations sell us down the river for quick profits. I’m not for protectionism, but if we are going to have “fair trade”, let make it really fair and equitiable.

There is a vast concentration of wealth with a very small group in this country. They do not care what happens to the rest of us as long as they maintain and grow thier greedy portion of our communal wealth.

My argument was and remains that I do not care if you have more than one piece of pie as long as every has at least one. That is not happening. These folks have 90% of the pie and 95% of us are fighting over the remaining 10%.

How the Middle Class has become Globalizations designated losers (They no longer have the article up at the Philadelphia Examiner)

HP Pay Cuts – an unfair act of economic opportunism and greed.

Here is a link to a blog entry on DamianSanders.net.  It is somewhat long, but is an interesting case study in what is so wrong with this country (world?) that has been hijacked by corporate greed.

HP Pay Cuts – an unfair act of economic opportunism and greed.

I’ve been having a bit of a discussion about what is evil (See the article on Epicurus’  old questions).

It is obscene for the executives of these corporations to make the money they do.  Continue reading “HP Pay Cuts – an unfair act of economic opportunism and greed.”