The Hunchback of Notre Dame

Hunchback_of_Notre_Dame_1004This is a book that I believe most folks are aware of and probably have some inkling of the story. I would also hazard a guess it is a book that most folks have not read and the story is not really what they think.

I was interested in movies that may have been made based on The Hunchback of Notre Dame. There are several. The list is not complete.

  1. From 1923 starring Lon Chaney, Patsy Ruth Miller, Norman Kerry, Nigel de Brulier, Brandon Hurst and others
  2. From 1939 starring Charles Laughton, Maureen O’Hara, Cedric Hardwicke, Thomas Mitchell, Edmond O’Brien and others
  3. From 1956 starring Gina Lollobrigida, Anthony Quinn, Jean Danet, Alain Cuny, Robert Hirsch and others
  4. From 1976 made for TV movie starring Kenneth Haigh, Michelle Newell, Warren Clarke and others
  5. An animated Walt Disney version from 1996
  6. From 1997 made for TV version that can be found on YouTube starring Mandy Patinkin, Richard Harris, Salma Hayek and others

The one that surprises me the most is the Disney film. I have not seen it, but I cannot imagine Continue reading “The Hunchback of Notre Dame”