Word of the Day –Vociferate

  • Verb: Vociferate
    1. to speak or cry out loudly or noisily; shout; bawl
  • Synonyms:
    1.  bellow
    2. call
    3. clamor
    4. cry
    5. howl
    6. protest
    7. shriek
    8. utter
    9. yell
  • Usage:
    1. “This become clearly apparent in the past week, when Jack Dorsey finally decided to start labeling Trump’s most dangerous posts as “glorifying violence” and even fact-checking other posts where Trump lied about mail-in ballots contributing to voter fraud (they don’t). At the same time Mark Zuckerberg chose to go in the completely opposite direction, ceding that he is not the arbiter of free speech, and even going as far as to have a call with Trump himself to vociferate Facebook’s stance. Conversely, Evan Spiegel, the CEO of Snap, announced that he will no longer promote any of Trump’s posts on the platform. “We simply cannot promote accounts in America that are linked to people who incite racial violence, whether they do so on or off our platform,” Spiegel said in a memo to employees.”
  • Encountered:
    1. While reading Vanity Fair article How Facebook Became the Social Media Home of the Right

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