3 Viagra Stories

My mother going for a ride in LI BLU


I bought my 2006 top-of-the-line Mazda MX-5 (a rose is a rose by any name…so Miata works) almost new in May of 2007. The 50ish gentleman I bought it from had fallen in love with a younger women with two small children.  He needed a family car to accommodate his new family,  and so he was desperate to sell.  I worked the deal and paid a very reasonable price for the car.  I almost felt sorry for him, but a deal is a deal.

If you are not familiar with a Miata it is a little two seat convertible.  Mine is a bright blue that has become reasonably popular the last few years.  Back then it was unique.  At the time I was dating Continue reading “3 Viagra Stories”