Picture from 6th Grade…

A couple of days ago was Valentine’s Day which got me thinking about one etched in my mind from when I was in 6th grade.   Digging around I found a picture taken that day during our class party celebrating the event.  I had given a card to every kid in the class – seemed like the nicest thing to do.  I did not have to use even one finger to count the number of Valentine Day cards I received.  Twas not a good day, and one that was burned in my memory.   Perhaps this was the impetus starting me down my curmudgeonly path.

And so it went.

From Whence Came Valentine’s Day

I do believe it may be time to revive the ancient festival of Lupercalia.

From the Wikipedia article:

Lupercalia was a very ancient, possibly pre-Roman] pastoral festival, observed on February 13 through 15 to avert evil spirits and purify the city, releasing health and fertility. Lupercalia subsumed Febura, an earlier-origin spring cleansing ritual held on the same date, which gives the month of February its name.

Plutarch described Lupercalia:

“Lupercalia, of which many write that it was anciently celebrated by shepherds, and has also some connection with the Arcadian Lycaea. At this time many of the noble youths and of the magistrates run up and down through the city naked, for sport and laughter striking those they meet with shaggy thongs. And many women of rank also purposely get in their way, and like children at school present their hands to be struck, believing that the pregnant will thus be helped in delivery, and the barren to pregnancy.”

Read all about here: Lupercalia

The Wikipedia article on Valentine’s Day  stated there was no connection between the two…despite many authors making the connection.   Pope Gelasius (492 – 496) abolished the festival of Lupercalia . This same Pope established St. Valentine’s Day in 496.   Since I really do not have a dog in this fight, I am going with Valentine’s Day stemming from the abolishment of Lupercalia.  Besides Garrison Keillor reported it as so.