Trump’s Coronavirus Pandemic Timeline

Dec 18th – House Impeaches Trump

Jan 8th – First CDC warning

Jan 9th – Trump campaign rally

Jan 14th – Trump campaign rally

Jan 16th – House sends impeachment articles to Senate

Jan 18th – Trump golfs

Jan 19th – Trump golfs

Jan- 20th first case in South Korea

Jan 20th – first case of corona virus in the US, Washington State. Continue reading “Trump’s Coronavirus Pandemic Timeline”

Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #4,230

yeah I know you did not ask!

Am I the only that finds it ironic that Republicans across the nation and in Washington, the PRO-LIFE party, are willing to sacrifice 1,000s of lives in their attempt to maintain the economic health of the US of A.

I suppose that most of those will be senior citizens makes it alright.  And these are the same folks that have been pushing the person-hood of unborn fetuses. A living, breathing person with a network of friends and families is expendable, and the other is not…until they are born.

The other irony in all this is that the religious right has embraced the Republican Party and Donald Trump with both arms and gone “all in” on their bet.  The Christianity I learned about was a religion of compassion and caring. That concepts seems to have gone missing from both Trump and the Religious Right.

Open Letter to My Children and Grandchildren

Dear children, grandchildren and other assorted beings younger than I:

I am requesting that you start addressing me, in person, and in your correspondence (text??) as “Dear Disposable One“.

It will do two things.

First it will ease the transitional phase of my absence from this world of woes to whatever supposed metaphysical state exists thereafter.

Secondly, it will show your support of Donald J. Trump and the GOP as they “restart” the economy.  I am sure the $1000.00 or so you spend on my cremation will be a big help, especially after a long and costly hospitalization paid for with your tax dollars.

Thanking you in advance for doing your part.

With much love,

The soon to be dearly departed.

NYT Daily’s podcast on Coronavirus

The Daily is a 20 to 30 minute podcast from the New York Times on current topics. Today’s episode is on coronavirus, and it is well worth your time. The primary contributor to this episode is Donald G. McNeil Jr. who is a science and health reporter for The New York Times. His explanation of the possible pandemic is excellent.

What scares me is the leadership of this country.  I do not believe they are up to dealing with a pandemic, unless they do the smart thing and get out of the way of the experts. That would be out of character for the Trump administration.

We have a president who truly does not understand basic science, basic economics or basically very much.  We have many senators and representatives that if they have a basic knowledge of science are willing to act ignorant for the sake of campaign contributions. Trump has put Vice President Pence in “charge” of the government’s response.  I would bet a very large sum of money that Mike Pence believes either 1) you can pray away the possible pandemic or 2) a pandemic would be God’s vengeance on a wicked world and well deserved and the righteous have nothing to worry about.

‘Nuff said a link to the story is below:

The Coronavirus Goes Global

Religious Folks and Donald J. Trump

I am going to preface this article by saying I truly want to know that the answer is.

It is something I have pondered on, and I have a few theories.  However, not being a religious person I am truly perplexed by the religious rights and evangelicals in particular support of the Donald J. Trump.  It is something that I just cannot get my mind around.

I don’t want to poison the well too much Continue reading “Religious Folks and Donald J. Trump”