Just Saying…


I don’t always remember this, but I do not know anyone who has gotten through or is getting through this life unscathed.  Life is nothing if not messy. Or as I say in my current email tagline “Life… such a strange journey.”

My goal for each day should be to remember that each of us carry baggage, and practice a little tolerance, and hope I am given the same latitude – om padme mani hum.

Just saying…

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Rev. Joe’s Random Thought #5,481

yeah I know you did not ask!

I’ve lived nearly 7 decades on this incredibly tiny mote at the far reaches of the Milky Way galaxy.  I am not sure that I have learned or figured out much in this breathtakingly short time of corporeal existence , but here is one.  90% of anyone’s success in a relationship is the ability to ignore.  A true practitioner of this art moves it from ignoring to  acceptance.

The tolerant Señora Weinhaus is a Zen Master of this aid to human interaction.  It, in conjunction with her ability to love, goes a long way to explaining her large circle of friends.  To me, of the INTJ personality, her aptitude seems to be of a paranormal ilk .  It seems to be something out of the reach of a mere mortal like myself.

However, even the forbearing Señora Weinhaus is challenged by my preternatural talents of eructation and flatulence.  It does make me wonder what karma this poor woman is working out.

Acceptance and Tolerance

A comment to me recently started me thinking about what is the difference between acceptance and tolerance. The comment was this:

“To me homosexuality is not acceptable behavior. Why are Liberals trying to force me to accept this? I feel discriminated against.”

One definition of acceptance is — the action or process of being received as adequate or suitable, typically to be admitted into a group. Another is — favorable reception; approval; favor. Tolerance is defined as the ability or willingness to tolerate something, in particular the existence of opinions or behavior that one does not necessarily agree with.

Even a cursory glance at the human race gives the impression of great diversity among its members.   This is truly amazing when you consider that if you were to pick two random individuals and sequence their DNA there would be a Continue reading “Acceptance and Tolerance”