Day of the Dude – March 6, 2023

Gather round all you Dudes and Dudettes, today is The Day of the Dude, a celebration of our favorite Lebowski Dude,  and one of our favorite movies The Big Lebowski, one of the few movies I actually own.

From the website National Today:

“Day of the Dude is celebrated on March 6 every year to commemorate the North American release of the movie ‘The Big Lebowski’ in 1998. The movie portrays a protagonist with a laid-back attitude to life who chooses simplicity, peace, and happiness. The idea is to enjoy life’s little moments such as bowling or drinking with some friends. The holiday looks to promote ease and simplicity in society. Being able to easily let things go and go with the flow is a big part of the lifestyle. The lifestyle portrayed in the movie inspired the birth of the religion/philosophy known as ‘Dudeism.’”

To read more: Day of the Dude – March 6, 2023

The Dude truly abides.