Freakonomics podcast with Andrew Yang

The only thing I know for sure is that this country will not remain this country if we have 4 more years of Gospodin Trump.  I would vote for a decaying slug over him.

As an aside — I abandoned my faith long ago for many good reasons.  If you are interested in why and how here is a link to another blog article: Rev. Joe stumbles.  The Christian right’s support of this abomination of a POTUS has nailed that coffin permanently shut. Trump is without a doubt the most unethical, least Christian President in the history of the nation.  IMHO, he is a criminal on multiple fronts and should be behind bars.  If the Christian rights argument is the ends justify the means, then add yet another nail to the coffin.  If you are using unethical means to achieve what you consider justifiable ends, then perhaps the ends are not so ethical also.

Having said all that I am having trouble getting excited about any of the Democratic candidates left in the field.  Biden who seems to be nice guy, also seems to tied to all the old bullshit. Last election cycle I was a Bernie supporter, but I really feel his age is a strike against him.  I like Elizabeth Warren, but I do not believe she is electable.  She is female, and she is being painted as a socialist along with Bernie.  An atheist probably has a better chance of being elected in this country than a “socialist”.

Billionaires such as Steyer and Bloomberg running for President just leave me cold. My wife likes Amy Klobuchar, so maybe I should look at her more. Pete Buttigieg is the opposite of Bernie, way too young and inexperienced.  How does running a small city like South Bend translate into running the United States of America?  It does not IMHO.

I know there are more running, but these are the key names that pop to mind…AND one more Andrew Yang, who again probably does not have proverbial snowball’s chance.  However, he is well spoken and has some good ideas.  It strikes me that he would approach governing with an analytic/scientific sensibility that is so missing in politics.

If you have time this podcast is very interesting to listen to.  It is Andrew Yang being interviewed by Freakonomics host Stephen Dubner (who spells Stephen the right way).

Below is the link:

Why Is This Man Running for President? (Ep. 362 Update)