Squirrelly Squatter

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It is extremely cold outside the last couple days, and creatures are looking for refuge where ever they can.  This particularly enterprising individual took up residence in an old birdhouse at the corner of our patio.  I wonder if he is going to file a homestead exemption?  I wonder if he realizes I am replacing his abode come springtime? And most importantly,  I wonder why did he split the blanket with Bullwinkle?

The Parable of the Wee Dog

The Wee Dog

The Wee Dog is a terrier mix.  Or as I am fond of saying, “part terrier and part mama got out.” I call her the Wee Dog because she weighs in at a whopping 14 or 15 pounds.  However, most of it is muscle with the rest some very wild, wiry black and white fur.  The fur over her eyes has a tendency to grow and droop over those organs. The Wee Dog’s mother aka Robin works diligently to keep this area trimmed as well as the rest of the wilderness that is her coat.  For whatever reason through my anthropomorphizing eyes the Wee Dog always looks very worried.

Being a rescue dog the Wee Dog has some issues, most of which she has grown out over the last year or so. Continue reading “The Parable of the Wee Dog”